An interesting problem associated with waste blocks is that, after they are completed, the finished blocks have been so reduced that very little recognizable information remains to print. They definitely have very little reference to the finished print. I have been using the finished blocks as starting information for large prints, arbitrarily overlapping these images on sheets of paper that produce interesting, almost abstract, textures and patterns. Some unifying paper stencil image then gets printed on top of this information to produce a final image.
This small series is called “Huddled Masses”. Its name derives from the crowd of superimposed faces. I didn’t make this series as a response to the current border situation in Mexico but current events obviously can influence the directions and intent of any artwork. Had I tried to make a specific Border artwork, I’m certain that it would be heavy handed. This group of prints definitely is more formal and less charged with any specific reference to any particular current event. The formal elements in these prints support the concept of waves of humanity.
The prints vary in size but could generally be called 30” x 22”. The background papers vary in color and the prints vary in the way they are visually framed on the page. Maybe a Suite is the wrong word for these prints, because of many dissimilarities, but they also share a lot of information.