I have finally gotten around to documenting the series of prints I have been working on since the holidays ended. It was tough to get started on these. Even though I was very happy with the work I made during my residency in France, there was no guarantee that I could continue these ideas in a new place (even if it was my studio) after a hiatus.
Most of the prints in this series uses odd sizes of paper that were “leftovers” from larger sheets. They were more of a horizontal format, a frieze, adapted from older ideas.
One practice that I continued from France was to leave the work up on the walls of my studio for a long time. I could study the print and add small bits of color and textures that made significant changes to the work that I would have otherwise considered finished. This also resulted in a wider variety of color choices. If i had a plate filled with a red I had just mixed up, I could apply a dot of it to an already finished print using either stencil techniques or brushwork. The resulting works are still mono prints but some become more closely identified with paintings.
I will post some of these prints every day until this series is shown in its entirety.